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Port component

Port waters

Within the boundaries of the port water area. It generally must meet two basic requirements: that the ship can safely rely on access to ports and from the pier; be stable for parking and loading and unloading operations. Including terminal port waters before the waters, and out of port channel, the ship turned around water, anchorage and navigation signs and other parts.

Approach Channel

Ship out of port waters and channels connected with the main channel. Generally good in the natural water depth, sediment deposition is small, as much as possible to avoid cross-wind and cross-flow of water from ice and other interference. Arranged along the direction of its flow into the linear order is appropriate. According to the frequency of ship navigation can be used separately or double channel single channel. Density is relatively small in navigation (as in the average daily shipping vessels ≤ 1), in order to reduce the amount of excavation and the amount of sediment deposition, after technical and economic comparison and full study can be considered one-way channel. Channel width generally based on speed, transverse vessels, the possible lateral drift and other factors, and add the necessary width to determine the wealthy. Approach channel depth, in large projects, remediation more difficult conditions, the general harbor tide by large ships entering and leaving the principle of consideration; small quantities or in case of a large density of navigation, the demonstration can be at any time after The principles for determining access.

Depth of the river port approach channel design standards should ensure the safe passage of ship.


By tide-bit

Ship through the channel (including the approach channel) of the local shallow section, due to insufficient water depth, and often the use of certain high tide in order to increase of depth of the ship through. This makes the ship in a certain period of time, by a certain large section of shallow tidal water through the channel is called by the tide bit. The concept of position by the tide, often in the design of approach channel, estuaries and shallow channel bottom dock port dock height when used to determine by how much the tide, the ship will have representatives with the draft design, the length of shallow waterway, navigation speed, navigation and density, according to local real tide line to compare the selected process. Excavation by tidal channel using bits, the amount you can save project, but the ship sailing time is limited and can not be readily navigable.


Turned water

Also known as swing waters. By ship from the pier, turned around or out of the port need to change course from time to time dedicated waters. Its size and scale of the ship, turned way, the water flow and wind speed and direction. With the assistance of tugs the ship turned, the rotation is generally inscribed circle diameter. Maximum total length of the ship. When the ship turned around on their own, generally not less than the diameter. Boat turned around in the water area (such as river), the rotary track oval, diameter size, but not the same as with the velocity, up. In the hydro-meteorological bad areas, but also to increase the scale. Waters can generally be turned around with the combined waters of the harbor navigation layout.

Turned to the depth of the waters, harbors and estuaries in Hong Kong, the minimum water depth generally based on large ships entering and leaving the port by the principle of wave considered;, including river port, the minimum water depth is generally less than the minimum navigable water depth of channel control section.


Port water depth

Usually ships out of ports operations to a control depth. It is a comprehensive concept, and the public. Port water depth is an important feature of the port that ships its natural conditions and may use the basic limits. Water depth at the control port restrictions, the depth of each part is different (actually, too), specific to a particular part of the depth, mainly based on the requirements and the economic rationality to select. Channel, turned the waters of the harbor often considered by bit by the tide; basin, berth design water level of the minimum guaranteed rate is determined; the same time to all berths. In various waters of the basic starting level is determined, the depth can be designed to standard ship under full load draft with the keel depth of the minimum wealth, and to consider the impact of waves, sailing, and when the draft of the increased deposition to determine. Their depth determined by the formula: (m). Where: - Design standard ship maximum draft at full load (m); - the minimum under keel rich depth (m); - consider the impact of waves off depth (m); - increased affluence draft navigation depth (m ); - consider the period between the two back dredging silt rich depth (m).


Terminal depth before

In any case, before the terminal can ensure the design standards required for loading and unloading ship loaded with water depth. In the coastal port of insufficient water depth for larger ships to enter Hong Kong after the tide to dock for loading and unloading, usually before the new terminal within the waters of a certain (usually twice the breadth), the appropriate deepened to low water level in the design to meet the design standards required by the ship load draft depth.



Movements within the water basin with water level changes, no gates or locks of the basin. It is the sea, the river port of one of the most common form, as opposed to a closed basin in terms of.

Closed basin

Large tidal range of a building in the area, with gates or lock and basin separated the waters outside the basin. The advantage of this basin is within the water basin can be maintained at a stable high water level, and hence in the construction of earth excavation basin can reduce the amount of time and the terminal building height; can reduce sediment deposition; ensure that the ship by mooring cargo handling stability and improve working conditions. Drawback is that the ship out of port (harbor) to gate holes, not convenient; while part of a corresponding increase in management costs.


Dug-in basin

Digging out of the basin on the shore. In suitable terrain conditions or shoreline of this basin can be built low. Its advantages are: extended quay, the construction of more berths; cover better conditions. Disadvantages are: the large amount of earth excavation; large place in the sand sediment deposition vulnerable to the impact; longer frozen in the cold regions.


Specifically for the ship (fleet) in the water park and a variety of the waters. Such as loading and unloading anchorage, parking anchorage, sheltered anchorage, water anchorage and quarantine anchorage and so on. Water anchorage for ships loading and unloading barge operations in Anchorage; parking anchorage, including the departure anchorage for ships waiting to dock, Hou Chao and codec Team (river port) and use the anchorage. Sheltered anchorage for ships to avoid the storm when the means of anchorage, boat shelter must have a good cover. Quarantine anchorage for foreign ships to Hong Kong after the quarantine anchorage, and sometimes water, shared customs and visas.


